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How I make $22,000 per month with Facebook Instant Articles and Audience Network

Servando : Hey guys. This is a guest post by Ronald from  Web SEO Marketers , who’s monetizing his Fan Pages with the Facebook Audience Network (similar to Adsense) and using Facebook Instant Articles (The articles that load super quick in your Facebook Newsfeed) to get great CPMs and massive engagement in his posts. This is a very similar technique to what I explained about  viral traffic in posts before, but instead of relying on Adsense or any other network (pop, native, interstitials, etc), Ronald is using Facebook’s network to monetize his fans. Most people don’t even know Facebook has their own Adsense Alternative, and setting up a site for Facebook is more difficult than setting up an Adsense account. But don’t worry, Ronald went above and below to make sure you understand every step of the process with tons of images. BTW, If you’re having problems getting accepted by Facebook you should  check this article  out and also you might be interested on how to setup  Facebook

200+ US University List

Last month Aamir Iqbal did a session on How to Get EDU Scholarship Backlinks from High Authority Universities. Today I'm gonna share List of 220+ USA Universities ( that accept outside scholarship ) Along with their Emails, Contacts, Departments, SiteUrls Remember me in your prayers. JazakAllah.   Download

Yoast SEO Premium

1) Yoast SEO Local Premium WordPress Plugin 9.6.1 2) Yoast SEO News Premium WordPress Plugin 9.6.1 3) Yoast SEO Premium WordPress Plugin 9.6.1 4) Yoast SEO Video Premium WordPress Plugin 9.6.1