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Earn Money with Ad Breaks - Facebook

After reading Lupkin's case study on a network marketing company that grew over seventy-million in sales with his approach, Carter knew it was time for the pair to co-author a book. The authors are quick to mention, however, that  Network Marketing For Facebook  is not valuable to only the network marketing industry. "We were not surprised to hear that sales professionals and entrepreneurs love the book too," says Carter. "These techniques will work for your business if your  personal brand  is part of the sales process." Why Facebook you may ask? "Wouldn't it make sense to join the community with the most people?" says Lupkin. "Facebook has more than one billion users and is five times more popular than the next most popular social network." Here's just a taste of what you'll find inside the cover of  Network Marketing For Facebook. 1. Create an appealing Facebook profile. When someone knows, likes and trusts you, they&