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Showing posts with the label karachi pathan hotels


Back in 80s, a stream of Pathans from all over Pakistan flooded the cities with their rural poverty. Bad Pathans occupied themselves in drug dealing and extortion; good ones opened up businesses like tea cafes, or hotels. Today there are thousands of such hotels in Karachi alone, and if you have never visited a Pathan hotel, you should go NOW! A typical urban ‘tea only’ café usually has a ‘Gulsher’ ‘Quetta’ or ‘Kakar’ attached as a prefix to the hotel’s name. What makes a pathan hotel so special is its environmental ability to tickle your brain for the entire time you stay there. Believe it or not, world’s most crucial issues are resolved at these Pathan-run tea cafes. Pressing political, economic, social, and religious issues cannot have better resolve elsewhere. Pathan hotels are different from other cafes, hotels and restaurants in a few aspects. Other than a limited menu comprising tea and breakfast there is not much to offer. These cafes also don’t charge much for these